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Chapter Philanthropy
The Epsilon Rho chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma here at Texas A&M supports three major philanthropies. Our national philanthropies are The Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation and The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Our chapter supports Books and a Blanket (BAAB) on a local level. BAAB was created in 2012 by two young sisters named Harper and Maggie. The organization has made a substantial impact on many communities by promoting literacy and well-being among children who are in grades pre-k to 6th grade. BAAB distributes to kids in need, every year during the winter, a basket of books and a blanket. From 2012 to the present time, Harper’s and Maggie’s organization has distributed over 164, 776 books and over 17,786 blankets to young students in need. Members of the Epsilon Rho chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma support BAAB by hosting blanket-making days at the house, hosting book drives where the books are then given to BAAB, and volunteering with the organization once a week. Our chapter has been working with BAAB for about three years and we are so excited to continue our involvement with such an influential organization!